
In the context of LiDAR technology, "AMCW" stands for Amplitude Modulated Continuous Wave, "FMCW" stands for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave, and "ToF" stands for Time of Flight, all referring to different methods used to measure distance by analyzing the characteristics of a light wave emitted from the LiDAR sensor; essentially, AMCW measures the amplitude changes, FMCW measures the frequency shift, and ToF measures the time it takes for a light pulse to travel to a target and back.

TOF Single Pixel Lidar

FMCW Single Pixel Lidar

AMCW array Lidar

Gated Imaging Super Lidar


4D+ Coherent Solid-State Lidar

Event Readout Based SCMOS Sensor Tracking

Fast Neuromorphic Processor for Ultra Fast Data Processing

4D+ Lidar & NMS Sensor Fusion

Low Lidar Cost for High Volume Manufacturing

Complete IP of the Chip/ASIC

Infrared Technology-Immune to Sun Light, Fog, Rain, Can operate 24 x7

Complete Solid-State Tech-No moving parts

Eye Safe

40+ Lidar

Wide FOV (85 x 55 degree)

High Angular Resolution (0.05 degree)