R-10m 20 FPS FOV 120x80 3D Application In cabin Monitoring
1.5 km 1 FPS FOV 100x100 3D Application Railways
150 m 10 FPS FOV 25x20 3D Application ADAS FCWS
R=80m 1 FPS FOV = 30 x 10 4D+ Application ADAS FCWS
R = 150m 1 FPS FOV = 30 x 10 4D+ Application ADAS FCWS
R = 200m 20 FPS FOV = 40 x 15 4D+ Application ADAS FCWS
Range programable up to 600 m , FOV tunable from 120 x 40 degree to 40 x 15 degree , FPS tunable from 1 to 20 FPS
Ranging Capability Enables Car with Speed beyond 150 KM/h to generate collision warning in time
Points Rate (Multi Returns)
Power Consumption
Output Data products
Field of View Enables objected detection at high curvatures
Angular Resolution Enables Pedestrian identification at top speed of 150 KM/h
For High speed moving targets Detection and Collision warning generation within 0.5 second